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Medical Epistemology
History and Philosophy of Medicine
Philosophy of Science
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
Western University
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building, 7156
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 3K7
Medical Student;
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
I am currently a first year medical student at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. My interests in the intersection of the humanities and the sciences began in my undergraduate degree where I pursued a Bachelors of Science with an Honours Specialization in Neuroscience and a Major in Philosophy (with distinction). I further cultivated these interests by completing a Master’s Degree in Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario where I was a resident member of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy. Throughout my M.A degree, I focused on the philosophical issues that arise in medical practice: these ranged from the influence of Artificial Intelligence on the physician-patient trust relationship, to the question of what constitutes sufficient evidence in the medical sciences, to an analysis of descriptive theories of diagnostic reasoning.
Throughout the upcoming year, I will be working on a number of projects in the philosophy of medicine.
MA Thesis
Towards a Holistic Paradigm of Diagnostic Reasoning – Situationist Remedy to Virtue Epistemological Pitfalls
Published Articles:
- Hampson E, Istasy P, Owais S., Chow J. A., Howidi B., & Oullette S. J. (2020) . Sex differences in the Recognition of Emotion in Children’s Faces: A Further Test of the Fitness Threat Hypothesis. Evolutaionary Psychological Sciences: 1-16.
- Cernovsky Z, Istasy P, Hernandez-Aguilar ME, Mateos-Moreno A, Bureau Y, Chiu S. Quantifying post-accident neurological symptoms other than concussion. Archives of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 1 (2), 50-54.
- Istasy P, Cernovsky Z, Bureau Y, Chiu S. (2018). Self-Reported Clinical Correlates of Insomnia. Archives of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 1 (2): 23-25
- Cernovsky Z, Istasy P, Bureau Y, & Chiu S. (2018). Scale for retrospective assessment of immediate concussion symptoms. Mental Illness, 10 (2): 70-71 and Appendix (2 pages)
Conference Presentations
- Istasy P, Christidis N, Lau JC, and Steven DA. Investigating Rater Reliability in the Assessment of SEEG Implantation Accuracy. Poster Presented at the Clinical Neurological Sciences Departmental Research Day, London, Ontario, Canada, May 14, 2019. (Additionally, this poster will be presented at the Canadian League Against Epilepsy Annual conference, Winnipeg, MB. September 20-22, 2019.)
- Istasy P, Cernovsky Z, Bureau Y, Chiu S. Immediate Concussion Symptoms (ICS) Scale, its Properties and Long-Term Correlates. Poster Presented at the World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP) in Mexico City, Mexico, September 27-30, 2018
- Istasy P, Cernovsky Z, Bureau Y, Chiu S. Self-Reported Clinical Correlates of Insomnia. Poster Presented at the World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP) in Mexico City, Mexico, September 27-30, 2018
Fall and Winter, 2019, Phil 1200: Reasoning and Critical Thinking, Western University, (TA).