Frederique de Vignemont: Bodily Immunity to Error
16 September 2011, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm EDT
Dr. de Vignemont’s lecture considers the question ‘Are bodily self-ascriptions immune to error through misidentification?’ According to the classic view, one cannot be mistaken about whose body part it is when experiencing them on the basis of body senses. De Vignemont considers two putative objections to this ‘bodily immunity.’
Frederique de Vignemont works in philosophy of cognitive science. Her training has been both in philosophy (at the Jean-Nicod Institute, Paris and at the Department of Philosophy, NYU) and in cognitive science (at the Institute of Cognitive Science, Lyon and at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, London). She did her PhD with Pierre Jacob on the question of immunity to error through misidentification (“Who’s who? Self, agency and ownership”, EHESS, 2002). She is interested in self-consciousness and disorders of agency and ownership.
Her current work is twofold. First, she works on body representations from a philosophical perspective, from an anthropological perspective (in collaboration with Asifa Majid, MPI, Nijmegen) and from a psychological perspective (in collaboration with Patrick Haggard, UCL, London). She recently received a three-year research grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche on body representation, in collaboration with Alessandro Farné (Unité Inserm 534, Lyon).
Read more about Frederique de Vignemont.