Catalyst Grants Program

Picture of a Newton's Cradle on a desk

The Rotman Institute of Philosophy invites members of the Institute (core and associate) to submit innovative and early-stage research projects to the Rotman Catalyst Grants Program Competition. Up to $50,000 will be awarded with a maximum of up to $20,000 per grant for a funding period of 2 years.

These grants are offered once per year and are intended to support new projects among interdisciplinary teams for which external funding would otherwise be difficult to obtain due to the early-stage nature of the proposed project. Applicants must clearly outline how the proposed project will lead to new research initiatives with the potential to leverage external funds.

Project Funding Period

April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2025

Notice of Intent

Please await 2023 details.

Full Application

Please await 2023 details.