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Home / Members / Graduate Students / Yi-Hsuan Kao

Philosophy of Neuroscience
Philosophy of Biomedical Science
Philosophy of Mind
Doctoral Student;
Department of Philosophy, Western University
Currently, my research interest focuses on Philosophy of Neuroscience, particularly on the methodological issues in human/animal behaviour tests. Also, I am interested in the concepts and operational definitions that scientists use in their experiments. How can we judge the mouse’s behaviour and certify its actions in a test trial? Can the mouse’s behaviour represent its mental state? By what means can we know that the mouse’s inactivity represents no further interest in the object rather than an unwillingness to move? I think these issues are important in scientific and philosophical research.
Conference Presentations
Hsiang-Ke Chao and Yi-Hsuan Kao (2020). Hierarchy of Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine. Workshop on Practices and Processes in Science, National Cheng Kung University, September 19-20. (Written in Mandarin)
Yi-Hsuan Kao & Karen Yan (2018). Eliminating Neuroscientific Concepts of Consciousness? The 7th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP 2018), Ghent University, Belgium, June 29-July 1.